Kittery Art Association Awards 2024 Scholarships to
Traip Academy Students

The Kittery Art Association (KAA) recently awarded Marcia Abigail Ryder Art Scholarships to three outstanding 2024 Traip Academy graduates: Marie Ruth Lane (left), Poppy Lord (middle), and Hunter Hillard (right). KAA Board President Mike Kelso (far left), fund supporter Roger Cole (right), and Traip Academy Visual Arts Director Kim Lightcastle (second from right) congratulated the award recipients. 

Marie Ruth will be attending Colorado State University to major in journalism. Poppy has been accepted to the Maine College of Art and Design to major in printmaking, while pursuing a fine arts degree. Hunter has a uniquely creative ability for medical illustration, which he intends to maintain while pursuing a nursing degree at Southern Maine Community College.

Since 2008, Ryder Art Scholarships have granted almost $50,000 to assist Kittery students in pursuing creative interests. The Fund is supported by the Art Association and by generous community members. Ryder Scholarships enable KAA to provide funding for Kittery’s students to explore their creativity. To contribute to the fund, visit

Kittery Art Association - 2023 Scholarship Recipients

The Marcia Abigail Ryder Art Scholarship Fund at the Kittery Art Association (KAA) awarded three $1,000 scholarships to outstanding 2023 Traip Academy graduates: Izak Sweeney, Gracie Salema and Madeline Pitcairn (left to right in photo), accompanied by Dean Gallant, KAA board president, and Roger Cole, scholarship fund supporter. 

Award recipients represent a diverse range of creative pursuits: Izak is pursuing a multicurricular study in piano, creative writing and visual arts and will attend Southern Maine Community College. Gracie approaches creativity through journaling and will attend Howard University. Madeline’s interests are visual and musically oriented, which she will carry forward to the University of Massachusetts.

Since 2008, the Ryder Scholarship Fund has granted over $40,000 to assist Kittery students in pursuing creative interests. The Fund is made possible by the art association and by generous private donors. Tax deductible donations to the Ryder Scholarship Fund ensure that KAA will continue to provide opportunities for Kittery’s students to explore their creativity.

Kittery Art Association - 2022 Scholarship Recipients

The Kittery Art Association (KAA) recently awarded two $1,000 Marcia Abigail Ryder Art Scholarships to the following outstanding 2022 Traip Academy graduates: Isabella Harris (left) and Emma Dawson-Webb (right). KAA President Dean Gallant (left) and fund supporter Roger Cole (right) congratulated the award recipients.

During high school, Isabella gained experience in creative writing and in the principles of childhood development. She wrote and produced a one-act play at Traip Academy and, from a pool of sixty applicants was selected to participate in a mentorship with the Sanford Technical School for Early Childhood Development. Isabella will be attending Emmanuel College, with dual majors in elementary education and English. Art, she says “…expands students’ minds [to see] that there are not always right or wrong answers” in life.

Emma has been accepted to the Tufts University School of Arts and Sciences in a self-designed major that selects course programs from the University’s schools in Architecture, Urban Studies, Sociology, Art History, and Visual and Material Studies. Prior to receiving a scholarship from the Art Association, Emma was the recipient of a grant from the Art Association to build an outdoor installation of recycled fishing nets. Emma believes that “art is one of our most valuable communication tools and brings beauty to our everyday world.”

Since 2008, Ryder Art Scholarships have granted over $35,000 to assist Kittery students in pursuing creative interests. The Fund is supported by KAA and by generous private donors.

Donations to the Ryder Scholarship Fund ensure that KAA will continue to provide funding for Kittery’s students to explore their creativity.

Kittery Art Association 2021 Scholarship Recipeients

The Kittery Art Association is thrilled to award outstanding 2021 Traip Academy Graduates Mary Lombardi (left) and Annika “Kiki” Huntress (right) Marcia Abigail Ryder Art Scholarships of $1,000+
KAA President Dean Gallant (left) and fund supporter Roger Cole (right) congratulated the award recipients.

Mary will be majoring in biomedical engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Pursuing artistic creativity, Mary says, “honed my skills relating to spatial awareness.” With Mary’s help the Traip Robotics Team received three creativity awards and Mary became the Team’s Design Captain. As her future academic pursuits unfold, it’s clear that Mary’s successes will combine creativity with conceptual design. “Art opened opportunities for me,” Mary says, and KAA is thrilled to contribute to her journey.

Kiki will be majoring in Studio Art and Entrepreneurship at the University of Southern Maine. Kiki originally found “passion and motivation” in her life by discovering art. Through art, Kiki says, “I felt like I belonged.” Kiki will also be playing soccer for USM. The Art Association knows that Kiki will succeed both on and off the ball field and is honored to have her in our awards program.

Since 2008, Ryder Art Scholarships have granted over $35,000 to assist Kittery students in pursuing creative interests. The Fund is supported by KAA and by generous private donors.

Donations to the Ryder Scholarship Fund ensure that KAA will continue to provide funding for Kittery’s students to explore their creativity.

KAA Awards Marcia Abigail Ryder Scholarships for 2020

The Marcia Abigail Ryder Scholarship Fund at the Kittery Art Association (KAA) has awarded two $1,000 scholarships to the following outstanding 2020 Traip Academy graduates: Jayna Wheeler and Elias Matso.

Wheeler is pursuing “visual storytelling” through theater and puppets and directed plays and musicals during her time at at Traip. She has also worked with The Seacoast Repertory Theater. In the fall, Wheeler will attend York County Community College for Small Business Management.

Matso has been accepted at the Parsons School of Design in New York City, which he says, has been a personal goal for him since he was 13. Matso has participated in internships and course training at the Fashion Institute of Technology, and with the Tiffany and Company Design Team.